User Settings

The User Settings page shows settings for the current user. It allows the user to see the current settings and to make changes to the settings.

Accessing the User Settings

There are two ways to access the User Settings page:

  • User settings menu item - This button is available on the top right of the screen and will take you to the User Settings page.
    User menu
  • Sidebar user settings menu item - This button is available from the Sidebar. It will take you to the User Settings page.
    Sidebar user menu

User Settings Page

Here's what the User Settings page looks like:

User settings

User Profile Information


The User Profile section includes profile information about you that is available to other users.

  • Edit - Use this button to change profile information.
  • Change photo - Use this button to select a user profile photo.
  • Clear photo - Clear the photo and use the fallback display of initials.

Note: some enterprise customers may use automatic provisioning where this information is
provided automatically and you may be prevented from making changes to this information.

Location Settings


The Location Settings section includes location specific information to improve how
the application works for you.

  • Time zone - Your primary local time zone. This is used to display date and time
    information to each user based on their local timezone.
  • Locale - This setting provides improved formatting for dates, times, and numbers based
    on your location.

Employee Information Settings

Employee information

This section allows you to enter Job title, Department, and Location of the employee.

Email Notifications Settings


The Email Notification Settings section indicates your current settings related to email

  • Status update reports - This option displays whether you would like to receive weekly status update reports for the sheets your are a member of sent to you via email each week. If you choose to not receive the email reports you will still be able to access all of the status update information from the application.
  • Status update reminders - This option displays whether you would like to a reminder email prior to the due date for each of your status sheet updates. This email includes a convenient link to take you directly to the screen where you can complete the status update report.

Security Settings

Security settings

The Security Settings section includes users settings for enhanced security.

See Two Factor Authentication for further details on setting up improved access security.

Account Actions

Account actions

The Account Actions section includes various actions that can be performed by the user.

Common actions appear as a button and list common actions are available by selecting the More button

  • Log out - Log out of the current workspace. Select this option if you are using a shared computer and do not want the session to be maintained if another person uses the same device.
  • Change password - Select this option to change your password.
  • Change email - Select this action if you want to change the email address that is used by the system. This will impact both email messages that are sent to you and also the email address that you use when you sign into the system.
  • Active sessions - This command shows a list of all active sign-in sessions for your user account. For example, if you use the system from both your computer and you phone you will see both devices listed.
  • Log out other - Select this command to log out all other active sessions for your user account. This option can be used if you accidentally forget to sign out from another device if you believe that someone else has been able to access your account.
  • Deactivate account - Select this command to deactivate your user account. You will lose access to all information and you will no longer be able to sign into the system.