
The Kutano application includes a sidebar that can be used for quick navigation to many of the application pages.

Desktop vs Phone

On desktop computers and devices with larger screen sizes you will see the sidebar displayed on the left side of the screen. If you are using a phone or smaller tablet devices this will be available by clicking on the icon Sidebar menu at the top of the screen.


This sidebar provides links that you can click on the navigate to pages. Some pages will only be available to a subset of users so you may not have access to many of the administration pages.

You can expand or collapse any of the sections so that you can focus on the key pages you wish to access.

1. Workspace Section

This section includes commands related to the overall workspace.

  • Workspace Admin command is only available to workspace administrators and gives you access to the Workspace Admin screens.
  • About this workspace command is always shown and gives all users high level information about this workspace including the identity of the workspace's owner.

2. User Section

This section provides simple access to all User settings.

3. My Sheets Section

This section allows you to access status sheets where you are a member.

If you have access to a large number of sheets then you can use the Manage status sheet option to bring up a full list of sheets.

4. More Section

The More section provides access to About, Feedback and Help information.