Investor Update Template

Periodic status updates for a company to keep investors up-to-date

Investor Update Report

An investor update report is a regular communication tool used by startups to keep their investors informed about the company's progress. It's essentially a snapshot of the company's health, highlighting key achievements, financials, and upcoming plans. An investor update report typically includes some of the following content.

Headline & Overview

A concise opening summarizing the company's current performance and strategic direction.

Performance Highlights

Recent wins and milestones achieved including product launches, customer acquisition targets met, or key partnerships secured.

Financials (Summary)

Depending on the investment stage, financial metrics like revenue, burn rate, runway (cash remaining to operate), and key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to the industry.

Product Development & Sales Updates

Progress on product development goals and any upcoming launches or features.

Sales and marketing performance, including customer acquisition costs and channels.

Team Updates

New team members or key hires that strengthen the company's capabilities.

Looking Forward

Upcoming milestones and future plans for growth and development.

Overall Tone

The report should be transparent and informative, acknowledging both achievements and challenges, while maintaining a positive and confident outlook.


These reports are typically shared monthly, quarterly, or depending on the agreed-upon cadence with investors.

By providing regular updates, founders can build trust and rapport with investors, keeping them engaged and informed about the company's journey.

Status Update

The status update provides a quick update about top level company activities.

Investor Update Template - Status update

Investor Update Template - Status update

Status Sheet

The status sheet is used by investors to quickly see company status information.

Investor Update Template - Status update